
Bow to the Queen of Carbs

Perfect Sugar Cookies

You can stop looking for the perfect sugar recipe--gluten free or otherwise--this is the best. This cookie is tender, crispy, and soft all at once. This is the drop and squish kind, not the roll out kind, but that suits me just fine. I'm a lazy cook and in this case, a lazy baker. I need instant gratification and sometimes, all that rolling and flouring and punching of shapes is way too fussy. Because that leads to more rolling, flouring, and punching of even more shapes. And when all is said and done, doesn't anyone else feel like you did a lot of work for not so much payoff? After an hours work, all you've got is 20 cookies! Gimme a break. Fuhgettaboutit. Ain't gonna happen. Not to mention the whole no gluten thing gets in the way of such a dough to exist. So instead, I'll give you 15 minutes of work and a bowl of dough that you can take out of the fridge whenever you feel the craving for cookies. And trust me, your cravings will start the moment the first batching is out of the oven. But hey, you're only making them for the kids...right?


Perfect Sugar Cookies

2 medium - large eggs
1 cup oil
2 sticks butter
1 cup granulated sugar, plus extra for pressing cookies
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp vanilla
5 cups gluten free flour mix

Mix together the eggs, oil, butter, and both sugars. Add in remaining ingredients, putting the flour in last. Batter will be a little "soft". Refrigerate for at least 1 hour. If chilling more than 3, make sure to wrap dough well to prevent drying out.

Using a cookie scoop, drop the balls of dough at least an inch or two away from other on the pan. Next, grease a glass with a flat bottom. Put extra granulated sugar in a small bowl. Dip greased glass into sugar and flatten each cookies lump. For softer cookies, keep pressed dough slightly thick. For crunchier cookies, press dough thin. Bake at 350 degrees for 7-12 minutes.

Makes 30 - 40 cookies.

Eggs $.17 ($.99 repackaged eggs)
Oil $.22 ($2/large bottle)
Butter $.75 ($1.50/lb)
Sugar (Granulated) $.08
Sugar (Powdered) $.51
Sea Salt $.001 (also not typo--$3 for 5lb bag)
Baking Soda $.003 (that's not a typo--$.50 box has 94.5 tsp)
Cream of Tartar $0.22 ($7/lb, assuming 1/2 ounce is around a teaspoon)
Vanilla $.15 (total guestimation)
GF Flour Mix $4

TOTAL=$6.10, $.20 - $.15
per cookie


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